Daily wire

‘A Church Meeting Is Now A Conspiracy’: Pro-Lifers Pray Outside Court After Conviction Over Peaceful Protest

NASHVILLE — The six pro-lifers who were convicted convicted of charges related to the FACE Act earlier on Tuesday gathered alongside their friends and family gathered outside the federal courthouse in Nashville to sing and pray just minutes after being found guilty. 

The six, Chet Gallagher of Tennessee, Coleman Boyd of Mississippi, Heather Idoni of Michigan, Cal Zastrow of Michigan, Paul Vaughn of Tennessee, and Dennis Green of Virginia, all face up to 10.5 years in prison and fines worth $260,000 after being convicted of conspiracy against rights and violating the FACE Act, a federal law criminalizing use of force, or threats of force that prevent someone from accessing an abortion facility. 

Despite the steep punishment they face after the convictions, the six remained in good spirits and proceeded to sing and pray outside the Fred D. Thompson courthouse immediately after the…

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