Red state

A Map Charts America’s Drinking and Dry Capitals

The United States is a land of infinite variety. One of our founding principles – federalism – posits that government is most effective when it’s closest to the people, which takes into account the fact that the states and regions of a country as big as ours have some pretty significant cultural differences from place to place. What works in Maine may not work in California, and what works in Florida may not fly in Alaska.

Another thing about America is this: Many of us (me, for example) enjoy a little snort or a glass of beer now and then. And, as with so many other things, that tendency also changes from place to place. Turns out a website called has compiled a map of the United States by county (or, here in the Great Land, by borough), and graded them as to what percentage of their residents are big drinkers. While there is no information given on the definition…

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