News Busters

ABC News OMITS Covering Iranian Trump Hack, Election Interference

Just ahead of the evening news, reports broke of an Iranian hack targeting the Trump campaign, with hacked materials then being forwarded to the Biden (and later) Harris campaigns. This intrusion was reported by CBS and NBC as an afterthought tacked on to other coverage, and ABC omitted the story altogether.

Here’s how CBS reported the Iranian hack:

NORAH O’DONNELL: It’s good to have you here, too, because there’s some breaking news just coming in and that is about Iran regarding their efforts to try and undermine the U.S. election. What do we know about what Iran is doing? 

MARGARET BRENNAN: Well, Norah, U.S. intelligence just disclosed that this summer there was a hacking campaign by Iranian actors where they stole information from the Trump campaign and sent it to members of the Biden campaign. This is similar to that hack and leak operation we…

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