Hot Air

About That Letter From National Security Leaders – HotAir

This is an item that Karen looked at last week, but as the situation on the border continues to unfold, it’s really been stuck in my brain. (Be sure to check out her analysis if you missed it on Friday.) We’re talking about that letter sent by 10 former leaders of the FBI, CBP, and intelligence agencies to the leadership in the House and the Senate. In it, they addressed what they see as the real threat posed by our open southern border and the potential dangers that we are almost certainly facing. They don’t focus on the crowded shelters and hospitals that the migrants are overrunning or even the fentanyl overdoses and human trafficking. They discuss the tens or hundreds of thousands of single military-aged men who have crept into our country and disappeared, many of whom were never encountered or checked by border officials. The threat is dire enough to have gotten the…

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