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Abraham Lincoln’s Lesson for Trump on Judicial Overreach

President Donald Trump faces a bevy of district court judges issuing restraining orders and injunctions blocking his executive actions, and Josh Hammer suggests the president take a leaf out of Abraham Lincoln’s book on the issue.

Trump has responded to the orders with calls for Congress to impeach lower court judges or restrain them in other ways, and observers on the Left have claimed Trump’s actions are creating a constitutional crisis. Chief Justice John Roberts publicly chided Trump over the judicial impeachment call.

Hogwash, says Hammer, a lawyer who clerked on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit.

“Frankly, to the extent that there is a constitutional crisis right now, it’s not coming from the people who they think it’s coming from,” Hammer told The Daily Signal. “There is a genuine separation-of-powers crisis at the moment and it’s…

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