Red state

Africa Must Choose ‘Right Kinds’ of Electricity. Guess Who Should Pay for It? – RedState

John Kerry, failed presidential candidate, failed Secretary of State, failed climate czar, and Ted Cassidy look-alike, has never flinched at an opportunity to throw American taxpayer dollars down yet another energy-policy rathole. His latest bit of “we can’t be broke, we still have some checks left” idiocy comes as he finger-wags at Africans who are desperate for electricity; Kerry is not only telling them they must choose the “correct” electricity, but that America will pay for it. Nay – America should pay for it.

Yes, really.

Former Secretary of State John Kerry claimed that there is a “climate emergency,” and suggested that Africans without electricity must select “the right kinds of electricity,” likely referring to green energy production, and that the U.S. must help them to afford it.

Kerry made the comments at a speaking event at the Harvard Kennedy…

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