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African Pro-Family Groups Are Rooted in White Supremacy

It takes a special kind of insanity to find a Klan hood beneath an African movement to protect the natural family from abortion and LGBTQ+ ideology, but that’s exactly what the Southern Poverty Law Center is claiming.

The SPLC—which trades on its history of suing KKK groups into bankruptcy to smear conservative and Christian nonprofits by putting them on a “hate map” with Klan chapters—trained its sights on the Pan-African Conference on Family Values, which will take place in Nairobi, Kenya, in May.

The SPLC claimed that “international efforts of hate and extremist groups developed an international playbook built on ‘natural family’ rhetoric.”

“Cobbled together from white supremacist, anti-immigrant and anti-LGBTQ+ tropes that link fears of declining Christian cultural supremacy with a falling birth rate, ‘natural family’ rhetoric advances…

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