Red state

After Complete Exposure From Biden Debate Debacle, Journalists Continue Burning Down Their Industry – RedState

It continues to be a fascinating reality that our press industry is facing a reckoning as a result of Joe Biden melting down faster than a DQ Blizzard left on a truck hood in August. The news outlets and journalists continue to grapple with the undeniable evidence that they have been attempting to gaslight the country over Biden’s sliding condition. They seem to believe that denying they have been culpable is the solution.

It’s comedic, the way that reporters and journos – forced to face the Biden reality – have resorted to insisting past positions are not provable. The delusion is strong with this crowd. To start with the stone-turning, we look to Brian Stelter. He has been cropping up in numerous places attempting to repair the industry’s reputation but in the process, he displays the very issues that led to this meltdown.

He penned a lengthy excuse at Vox, and while posturing…

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