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AFT’s Randi Weingarten Flips Out…Over Nothing – HotAir

When it comes to how COVID was handled at the national level, it’s pretty easy to come up with a top five list of controversial figures that in their own way destroyed the credibility of the government’s health care agencies for at least a generation. Those figures include Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, his boss at the National Institute of Health, Dr. Francis Collins, Center of Disease Control Director Rachel Wolensky, White House COVID Response Coordinator Deborah Birx, and Randi Weingarten, the president of the American Federation of Teachers.

In case you missed it, on Friday on the Mall in the Nation’s Capital, the Stand Up For Science (or another group of people who really hate Trump) rally took place. Collins, who for years as director of NIH fiercely held onto his claim that he was non-partisan,…

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