Red state

Alaska Man Monday – One Dumb Crook and One Big Race – RedState

Spring is coming! We can always tell when we’re nearing the spring equinox here, as the midday sun rises at last above the level of the top branches of the birch trees on the south end of the property. And as I write these words, another sign of spring – the bush pilots are out in increasing numbers, and one chucklehead just went over so low I’m sure he was dragging his landing gear through the treetops. That’s illegal, but this is Alaska, so…

We haven’t seen a dumb crook worth noting in a while, but here’s one providing a valuable lesson we shouldn’t have thought necessary – don’t hunt from an airplane. It caught up with this guy, and now he’ll be paying for it.

On August 31, 2024, Alaska Wildlife Troopers in Fairbanks received a report from of a hunter using an airplane to scout sheep near Lime Peak in the White Mountains….

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