Red state

Alaska Sues Biden Administration Over New Decision Restricting ANWR Energy Production – RedState

The Biden administration has, from the word go, been unfriendly towards energy development, especially natural gas and oil. They have tried to suppress oil and gas production at every turn, nowhere more so than in Alaska, which has huge recoverable oil and gas reserves, not only on the North Slope but in the coastal waters in Cook Inlet and the Beaufort Sea.

Now, Alaska is suing the federal government over the administration’s defiance–with a new decision dropped in December–of a Congressional directive mandating the development of these resources in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR.)

The State of Alaska filed a lawsuit against the federal government, alleging a violation of a congressional directive mandating the development of oil and gas resources in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge’s (ANWR) Coastal Plain.

Known as the Section 1002 Area,…

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