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Alaskans for Honest Elections Turn in Petitions to Repeal Ranked-Choice Voting – RedState

We were the first state to try it. With a bit of luck, we’ll be the first state to ditch it.

Alaska’s current system of elections, ranked-choice voting (RCV), is, as my British friend would say, a right mess. Fortunately, we have the organization Alaskans for Honest Elections, which has done great work with a petition drive to get RCV back on the ballot, hopefully for a repeal. On Friday, Alaskans for Honest Elections turned in petition books including 42,000 signatures from every House district in the Great Land. 

Alaskans for Honest Elections says it has 150% of the signatures needed to appear on a statewide ballot. Whether the repeal of ranked-choice voting will be on the primary or general election ballot depends on when the Alaska Legislature adjourns this year.

“We did the impossible, with 700 volunteers. We led the drive to get the required signatures. We did this for…

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