Red state

Alec Baldwin and PETA Need to Shut the Hell Up – RedState

I have often pointed out that progressives ruin everything. It seems that whenever there is something that has even a modicum of a chance of being positive, they find a way to make it a problem.

Ever since 1933, Radio City Music Hall has put on a Christmas Spectacular that features the Rockettes in several amazing performances. Some of the routines have been performed since the show’s inception and it remains a staple in New York City.

This year, however, Alec Baldwin and the People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) have decided that the show is a problem and have gone full Karen to express their disapproval. Why?

Because they use live animals in their performances.

The actor and organization sent a letter to those in charge of the production demanding that they stop using live animals in their performances. The letter began:

Nothing is more magical than visiting New York City…

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