News Busters

Algore Blames Populism On Climate Change

CNN’s Christmas Eve edition of State of the Union with Jake Tapper earned itself a huge lump of coal by devoting its entire hour to climate propaganda. In other words, religious counterprogramming. It is here that former Vice President Al Gore came on and blamed populist movements around the world on, you guessed it…climate change.

Watch as Algore concocts a new climate change boogeyman out of thin air:

JAKE TAPPER: So that’s- that’s the good news, the good vision, but what happens if the world doesn’t act? What’s the worst-case scenario? 

FORMER VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE: Well, the scientist who warned us of these mega-storms and the floods and mud slides and droughts and the ice melting and the sea level rising and the storms getting stronger and the tropical diseases, and climate and migrants crossing international borders in large numbers,…

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