News Busters

Allie Stuckey Discusses Threat of Weaponized Public-Private Partnerships

Blaze Media podcast host Allie Beth Stuckey went after a disturbing World Economic Forum (WEF) plan to isolate and choke out purveyors of so-called misinformation.

Stuckey discussed the dire threat of leftists weaponizing public-private partnerships to silence and impoverish conservatives with Justin Haskins, director of the Socialism Research Center at The Heartland Institute, on the Jan. 25 edition of her podcast Relatable. Stuckey referenced comments by Jeanne Bourgault— the president and CEO of Internews, an anti-disinformation international non-profit—who embraced “lists and guides for advertisers” to dictate which organizations advertisers should spend money with and which were purveyors of so-called disinformation. 

“This is a concerted effort,” Stuckey alerted. “There are already companies that do this. There are left-wing companies…

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