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Amazon Butchers ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ With Edited Version

In what appears to be an astonishingly empty-headed move, Amazon Prime Video offered an abridged version of the classic Christmas film “It’s A Wonderful Life” in which they deleted all the scenes where George Bailey, played by Jimmy Stewart, experiences what the world would be like if he never existed.

The abridged film cuts out George’s terrifying journey through a world where he never existed. That frightening journey follows him after he is threatened with arrest by the bank’s greedy owner, Mr. Potter, played by Lionel Barrymore. Potter knows George doesn’t have the money for an imminent audit of the Bailey Building and Loan because George’s absent-minded uncle has lost $8,000, leaving it in Potter’s hands. When George goes to Potter for help, Potter mocks him, saying George is worth more dead than alive, prompting George’s descent into despair.

At the end of his…

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