America First Means Protecting and Defending Europe – RedState
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America First Means Protecting and Defending Europe – RedState

Protecting Europe safeguards stability, security, and economic prosperity for both Europe and the United States. Or perhaps to put it another way, defending Europe, irrespective of whether one thinks it necessary or justified, is in and of itself an “America First” foreign and economic policy.

The geopolitical landscape since the fall of the Berlin Wall has undergone significant transformations, leading to a reevaluation of international relations. Amidst these dynamic changes, it must be understood that it remains imperative for the United States, as the sole superpower, to protect our European allies from any hostile force, including Russia, in line with our obligations outlined by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). This of course was also at the heart of the creation of the European Recovery Program, also known as the Marshall Plan.

Following World War II, the…

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