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America Needs the White Pill

The movie “The Matrix” gave us the “red pill” and the “blue pill.” The red wakes you up to reality; the blue keeps you indoctrinated.

Internet culture then invented a black pill. Those who take it think the world is doomed.

So, podcaster Michael Malice wrote the book “The White Pill,” calling it a “symbol of hope.”

“Young people in recent years,” he tells me, “were discouraged about the future of this country. But people in a far worse position than us won a far greater victory in our lifetime, and no one talks about it.”

He refers to the fall of the Soviet Union. We talk about that in my new video.

Malice was born in Russia. He’s researched how even ruthless tyrannies can be toppled.

I say to Malice, “What I find unbelievable about the Berlin Wall being torn down is that I thought, ‘Finally, people wised up to the evil of…

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