Red state

American Psychological Association Claims Hiring the Most Qualified Job Applicants Is ‘Unfair’ – RedState

Love is hate. War is peace. And merit-based hiring is unfair. 

So says the American Psychological Association (APA) about the latter. I have no idea what they think about the first two, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they agree with those oxymoronic claims, as well.

While the rational among us have become somewhat unaffected — I tend to think of it as unable to be surprised — by the insane world of woke: diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), gender fluidity, transsexualism, and self-selected pronouns, the notion that hiring a job applicant based on his or her qualifications for the job is somehow “unfair” is preposterous. Yet, here we are.

According to the APA’s press release about its new research:

People from across the political spectrum also are more likely to support programs that encourage socioeconomic diversity after learning about the effects of social class and low…

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