News Busters

Americans Who Boost Trump with ‘Propaganda’ Are Criminals

Hillary Clinton has yet another book out, and one of the first publicity stops was a 12-minute softball session on The Rachel Maddow Show on Monday. Late in the interview came a shocking line from Hillary about civilly or criminally charging right-wing “Deplorables” who spread misinformation.

As Hillary ranted about how “dangerous” Trump would be in a return to office, Maddow’s last question (of just three) was about the allegedly nonpartisan Biden Justice Department investigating Americans tangled up with Russian funders.

Maddow suggested: “Speaking of dictators, the Justice Department and the State Department have taken another — a number of actions in the past several weeks striking actions to both call out and indict and take action against the Kremlin for their attempts at interfering in yet another presidential election cycle on Trump’s…

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