News Busters

Analysis of Justice Department Verdict

Welcome to America, where you get in trouble if you don’t think babies should be slaughtered.

On Tuesday, six different pro-lifers were found guilty by the Department of Justice (DOJ) after they took part in a peaceful protest at an abortion facility in Tennessee a few years ago. The protestors were singing hymns and praying outside of the facility and now face up to 11-years-of prison each, according to The Daily Wire

On March 5, 2021, a group of demonstrators gathered in a hallway outside of the Mount Juliet abortion clinic. While there, the group sang songs like “Holy, Holy, Holy,” “It is Well with My Soul,” and “Amazing Grace,” and read Bible verses, one of which from Psalm 91 about being covered in the Lord’s protection. The group also enlightened women seeking abortions that there were other options than to kill their child in…

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