News Busters

Analyzing Border Narratives in Fox’s Drama ‘The Cleaning Lady’ Series

Fox’s drama The Cleaning Lady is a propaganda vehicle for open borders advocates. Last night, it romanticized illegals and portrayed a cartel leader as someone who cares about his human cargo.

The series revolves around Thony (Elodie Yung), a crime scene “cleaner” for a fictional Mexican cartel.

On Tuesday’s episode, “Agua, Fuego, Tierra, Viento,” Thony drives through the desert border to rescue her sister-in-law Fiona (Martha Millan) and nephew Chris (Sean Lew). 

Fiona and Chris are illegal immigrants from the Philippines. They were deported last season and are trying to sneak back into the country again with Thony’s help.

Fiona and Chris got separated from their coyote and are lost in the desert. As they struggle to survive, angelic Fiona gives her son a speech about how the illegals who came before them in that same desert “risked everything to get a…

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