Hot Air

And Now, RFK is Back OFF the Ballot in Michigan – HotAir

It’s only been four days since a judge in Michigan ordered that Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s name be kept on the ballot in Michigan. I shared some of my thoughts on that development at the time and the seemingly obvious partisan gamesmanship that was playing out. Unfortunately, the clock was ticking toward the witching hour in terms of printing the ballots and moving forward, so it appeared that there might not be much that could be done. Let that be yet another lesson to me in terms of the three-ring political circus we’re all watching unfold in 2024. Last night, appeals courts in Michigan and North Carolina both ruled that Kennedy must be removed from the ballot and that the mailing of ballots be put on hold while that change is processed. Assuming these rulings stand (a big assumption at this point), these developments are being seen as a potentially significant boost to Donald Trump…

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