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Andrew Cuomo’s Dismal Performance Before Congress on COVID

How the mighty have fallen!

Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo won a coveted Emmy Award in 2020 in recognition of his daily televised briefings on COVID-19.

Cuomo’s allegedly successful response to the deadly pandemic made him a Democratic national hero, and, of course, a darling of the liberal media.

Cuomo’s media glory ended one year later, however, amid charges of sexual harassment and impeachment threats, and the International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences withdrew his Emmy.

Today, thanks to a recent hearing conducted by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, Americans have learned more about Cuomo’s “Emmy-winning” response to New York’s COVID-19 crisis.

Notwithstanding the previous media adulation for his televised briefings as governor, the record shows that Cuomo’s pandemic response increased New Yorkers’…

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