Hot Air

Another ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Proven True – HotAir

I have long known that fluoridating water was a terrible idea, but I have been reluctant to write or even discuss this fact with people because the expert consensus was that anybody who opposed it was a kook. 

Remember this scene from Dr. Strangelove? It perfectly encapsulates the attitude of “experts” and the people who believe them about those who questioned fluoridation: they are insane.

The American Public Health Association says:

Community water fluoridation is recognized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as one of the 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century. Water fluoridation has played a major role in lowering the rate of tooth decay in the U.S. 

Except it turns out, as I and many others who have read the studies, that this assertion is nonsense, and dangerous nonsense at…

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