Red state

Anti-Gunner Compares Firearm Ownership to Drug Addiction – RedState

There is a common denominator to nearly every person who advocates for more gun control: They know little to nothing about firearms or gun ownership.

It seems that every time one of these people expresses their anti-gunner views, they inadvertently expose the fact that they have no knowledge of what they speak.

I came across some responses to an article published by The Atlantic related to the police’s substandard reaction to the Marjory Stoneman Douglas school shooting in Parkland, Florida. Several of the responses criticized the officers’ lack of response as the gunman murdered children and teachers. But one of the responders made a rather bizarre argument: America is addicted to guns like drug addicts are hooked on narcotics.

The American people relate to guns as addicts relate to drugs. Addicts change everything in their life to accommodate their drug use. They filter their…

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