Hot Air

Antisemitic Libels Keep Expanding – HotAir

The Israel-Hamas conflict has revealed a lot about the battle lines in the war over Western Culture.

How you see the conflict depends mostly on how you see the West as a whole–which is interesting in its own way because Judaism is arguably pre-Western–the West has roots that go back to Judaism. Many Jews are Westernized, but the religion itself is arguably not Western itself.

Still, Jews have had an outsized impact on the development and growth of Western culture, and Westerners have had a sometimes healthy and often unhealthy relationship with Jews, who are often seen as outsiders who are inside the tent.

Yet, with few exceptions during the Israel-Hamas conflict, advocates of the Western political and cultural traditions have stood with Israel and embraced their cause while also fighting the antisemitism of the Left. Westerners, it seems, have come to embrace Jews (if not…

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