Where to begin?
The Associated Press is total trash?
Nope. Already knew that.
The AP is filled with ignorant fools?
We all knew that too.
The AP is a propaganda outlet for the Left?
Sure, but not news.
Actually, come to think of it, I haven’t much new to say about how awful the Associated Press can be. Except, perhaps, that they keep proving my worst fears correct.
By now you probably know that the Associated Press shared offices with Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza. They claim that this wasn’t the case, but there is ample evidence–some provided by former AP reporters—that they did and knew about it. What this tells us is that the AP is filled with liars, not just useful idiots.
“Israel’s military campaign in Gaza seen as among the most destructive in history, experts say”
AP has become a parody.
Written by a 23-yr old intern who quotes people claiming a JDAM “turns earth…