Hot Air

AP Roasted For Horror Headline Trashing Vance – HotAir

Duane wrote a similar post earlier today, and it turns out that we were writing it at the same time, and I missed his. His is excellent, but I wanted to throw in my $.02 (and not throw out my writing either).  So here is my take on the Associated Press hit and run on J.D. Vance. 

As you know, the Associated Press is the most important news organization in the world, as it feeds stories into almost every other outlet. It provides the vast majority of content that reaches the eyes and ears of news consumers, and most people aren’t even aware that it exists as a separate entity. 

Whether you are watching Fox News or MSNBC, much of the content you get originated with the Associated Press. And the AP is a totally compromised institution. 

Last night provided a great example of how the AP has become an agitprop producer. At a rally, Vance responded to the horrific shooting everybody…

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