Red state

Are Aliens Living Among Us? Probably Not, but That Won’t Stop Researchers From Wasting Time Looking. – RedState

There are aliens, and there are aliens. Some come from other countries, and some, reportedly, come from outer space.

Aliens have been a science-fiction mainstay for a long time, starting with Edgar Rice Burroughs’ “Barsoom” books on (which I shamelessly love and re-read once a year or so), to the great sci-fi writers of the ’50s and ’60s, from Heinlein to Blish to Bradbury. It moved into big and small screens with works like “The Day the Earth Stood Still,” “Invasion of the Body Snatchers,” the immortal original “Star Trek” series, and some other series of films and television shows that also begin with “Star” but is no longer worth watching since Disney made a complete dog’s breakfast of the whole thing. But all of those are fiction. They are accepted as fiction. There is no evidence that intelligent aliens exist, or that they have ever visited Earth.

Or is there?

Now some…

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