Red state

Argentina’s Milei Pokes His Finger in UN’s Eye, Rejects Their ‘Socialist Agenda’ – RedState

Libertarian economist Javier Milei rocked a lot of boats on his way to the Argentinian presidency—and has continued to do so since he took the oath of office in December 2023. Although many American sites call him things like “far-right populist” and “alt-right,” he would perhaps be more aptly described perhaps as “anti-socialist” and ran on a platform that vowed to fight a 200 percent inflation rate, rising poverty, and a divided population in the once prosperous nation. He vowed to take a “chainsaw to public spending” and initiate austerity measures to fight the rot that had taken over Buenos Aires.

He’s had some encouraging results, as we have reported:

He may be onto something…

Javier Milei Scrapped Argentina’s Rent Controls – Now the Rental Housing Market Is Booming

Argentina’s Javier Milei and His Plan: It’s Starting to Work!

Winning: Javier Milei Announces…

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