Hot Air

As Expected, Alvin Bragg’s Office Drops Charges Against Columbia Trespassers – HotAir

When Columbia students took over Hamilton Hall at the end of April, it seemed the university was finally getting tired of their antics. A spokesman for the school warned that there would be consequences, specifically expulsion.

We made it very clear yesterday that the work of the University cannot be endlessly interrupted by protesters who violate the rules. Continuing to do so will be met with clear consequences. Protesters have chosen to escalate to an untenable situation—vandalizing property, breaking doors and windows, and blockading entrances—and we are following through with the consequences we outlined yesterday.

Students occupying the building face expulsion.

And that wasn’t all. Later that night, Columbia called in the NYPD who wound up arresting 48 people who had barricaded themselves in the building. One of the things I said at the time was that the school had a chance…

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