You might be surprised to know that, as gun-control mad as California is, they do have a section of the CA Penal Code that concedes a death occurring in the course of defending one’s habitation, property, or person against someone ‘manifestly attempting in a riotous or tumultuous manner’ to enter with intent to cause harm falls under the category of ‘justifiable homicide.’
Section 197 had three such ‘justifiable’ carve-outs. The first is resisting any attempt to murder or commit a felony. The second is what I’ve quoted from above, and the third is a kind of complicated paragraph having to do with defending someone whom you perceive to be in danger of imminent or already under attack.
Those are the three times CA recognizes the fundamental right to self-defense with deadly force.
Assemblymember Rick Chavez Zbur (D-Hollywood), a relatively new but already…