Red state

As the Leaves Turn, the Baseball Postseason Tunes Up

Greetings from the sports desk located somewhere below decks of the Good Pirate Ship RedState. Sammy the Shark and Karl the Kraken assure me they are hard at work on the now 79 post-long series detailing every facet of the WNBA playoffs starting September 22 …

Oh, who am I kidding? The NHL preseason has started. Those two lunks won’t get their dorsal fin and tentacles off the couch until next June. Nevertheless, we carry on.

We start with college football. USC’s debut in the Big 10 was a dud thud, as the Trojans fell to the Michigan Wolverines 27-24. While Michigan didn’t dominate the game, first going up 14-0 in the first half only to find itself on the wrong end of a 24-20 score with 7:01 left in the game, it did what it had to do to win at the end. The common thought after the 31-12 drubbing of the Wolverines by Texas earlier this year was that this would not be…

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