Red state

Assassination of Political Opponents an ‘Unlawful Order’ – RedState

On Monday, the Supreme Court released a benchmark decision on presidential immunity, and it has resulted in enough hot air being shed to melt the polar ice caps. Most of the hysterical claims made about this decision are about as fact-based as the phlogiston theory, and some of the most ridiculous claims are the assertions that presidents now have the power to order assassinations of their political opponents.

This is, of course, poppycock, which hasn’t prevented even a Supreme Court Justice from doubling down on stupid. The people who would be called upon to carry out any such order, though, have a different take on the whole thing — including, and maybe especially, the US Army’s elite Delta Force.

Those who make it to the final stage of selection for the Army’s Delta Force special operations unit must pass a commander’s board interview. There, Delta’s commanding officer…

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