The Atlantic magazine’s unintentionally hilarious IF TRUMP WINS series warns its readers of the scary apocalyptic future should Donald Trump emerge victorious in 2024, but Helen Lewis brought a mildly moderating tone to the flock, urging the Trump-loathing readers not to “go bonkers” again as they did after Trump won in 2016. Should the unthinkable happen again, Lewis urged her readers not to go full mental jacket as explained in the title, “THE LEFT CAN’T AFFORD TO GO MAD.”
The Trump years had a radicalizing effect on the American right. But, let’s be honest, they also sent many on the left completely around the bend. Some liberals, particularly upper-middle-class white ones, cracked up because other people couldn’t see what was obvious to them: that Trump was a bad candidate and an even worse president.
The clinical term for that ailment is Trump…