News Busters

Attorney Pleads Guilty to Poisoning Pregnant Wife: A Shocking Revelation

In 2022, Mason Herring, a Texas attorney, dissolved numerous abortion pills in his wife’s cup of water. Though the baby in Catherine Herring’s womb ended up surviving the attempted murder, Mr. Herring pleaded guilty Wednesday to poisoning his wife.

The Herrings were reportedly going through marital struggles back in 2022 but decided to start working on their relationship more as time went on. In February, Mrs. Herring became pregnant. Then, starting in March, Mr. Herring began slipping the pill Cyrux, an abortion pill sold in Mexico, into his wife’s drinks. (Cyrux is the same as misoprostol, the first of two pills taken to chemically kill a child in utero and force a miscarriage.)

USA Today also reported that Mr. Herring was romantically involved with a co-worker and was not happy that his wife was pregnant. During a trip to west Texas to reconcile…

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