Hot Air

Axios Report of Trump’s ‘Secret Power Protection Plan’ Sounds … Familiar – HotAir

A secret power protection plan? What has Donald Trump wrought this time? A Grok AI takeover of all social-media platforms? Suspension of habeas corpus? Cancelling the midterms, as one hysteric suggested this weekend?

No, it’s not those options. Those are too obvious! The truly secret plan that Donald Trump has launched to retain power, according to Axios, is … second-term fundraising. MAGA-aligned orgs are raising money hand over fist to deploy in the midterms, and Axios says it’s “unheard of”:

Anyone who thinks President Trump’s mesmerizing hold over the GOP will slip if his poll numbers slide is missing one of his biggest innovations in American politics:

The creation of a cash-flush political operation that has raked in around a half-billion dollars — about the same amount the GOP’s House and Senate campaign arms spent during the entirety of the last…

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