News Busters

BACKFIRE: Liberal Media Get a Special Counsel — for Biden

You might call it a media backfire. A big one.

In their lust to prosecute former President Donald Trump for something- anything! – President Biden’s left-wing media allies settled on a strategy that has now backfired big time – on Biden.

As a result of the FBI’s raid on Trump’s Mar a Lago estate to confiscate top secret documents in Trump’s possession, liberals in the media professed not only outrage – they demanded that Trump be targeted with a Special Counsel.

Here are some samples of the liberal media outrage about Trump.

The headline of a New York Times editorial: “ Donald Trump Is Not Above the Law”

There was this from Newsweek: Trump’s Classified-Docs Scandal Demands DOJ Probe: Legal Experts

Fox News headlined this craziness: MSNBC’s Beschloss, former CIA director Hayden ‘suggest’ Trump be executed for having nuclear documents Hayden and Beschloss reacted to a report that Trump may have retained nuclear documents after his term

MSNBC headlined this from Steve Benen, the producer of Rachel Maddow’s show: Poll gauges support for prosecuting Trump in classified docs scandal

The Washington Post editorial board: The new Trump probe special counsel should move quickly

Vanity Fair in capital letters, no less: MERRICK GARLAND’S SPECIAL COUNSEL IS ZEROING IN ON TRUMP’S INNER CIRCLE Jack Smith is reportedly “intensifying” his criminal probes of the ex-president.

And on and on went the liberal media demand for a Special Counsel investigation of Trump for his possession of classified documents at Mar a Lago.

And then.

And then out comes the news that then-Vice President  Biden did the same as Trump – three times over.

First it is revealed that a batch of classified documents have been found at the University of Pennsylvania’s Biden Center.

Next, mind blowingly, we learn Biden has been keeping classified documents…in his Wilmington garage!

That news had barely settled when it was found that there was a third batch of top secret documents stored in Biden’s personal office in his Wilmington house.

With each revelation the demand from Republicans that Attorney General Garland appoint a Special Counsel rose and rose and rose until it was impossible for Garland to ignore. Finally, appearing before cameras on Thursday of this last week, Garland announced the appointment of former Maryland U.S. Attorney Robert Hur to investigate Biden.

In fact, the liberal media’s outraged demands that Trump be targeted with a Special Counsel wound up producing a Special Counsel for Biden. Not to mention it produced a promise of an investigation into the document scandal by House Republicans.

And as if that were not enough of problem for Biden, there is the accompanying revelation that the Biden Center has been on the receiving end of Chinese money – lots of it. 

The New York Post headlined: Penn Biden Center where classified papers were found is a ‘dark-money nightmare’

The Post report said this: 

“The Ivy League think tank where lawyers found classified materials linked to the Obama White House is a patronage mill for the Biden administration, raising suspicions among critics that its establishment attracted tens of millions in donations from anonymous Chinese donors.

…The University of Pennsylvania received more than $30 million from Chinese donors shortly after the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, which functioned as an office for Joe Biden before he was elected president, was announced in 2017, according to public records.

…The University of Pennsylvania raked in a total of $54.6 million from 2014 through June 2019 in donations from China, including $23.1 million in anonymous gifts starting in 2016, according to public records.”

In short? Talk about a backfire!

Joe Biden’s Trump-hating liberal media allies can take a bow. By their insistence that a Special Counsel be appointed to investigate Trump because he had classified documents at Mar a Lago, the revelations that Biden did exactly the same thing – three times over! – has now won their hero a Special Counsel of his own, plus a congressional investigation. All this along with the revelation that his Penn Biden Center has been financed by millions in Chinese dark money. And also raising the question, of course, of how much of that Chinese money was laundered through the Biden Center before going in the Big Guy’s pocket.

So now, that leftist rag Vanity Fair is carrying this spin: “Special Counsel Appointment Brings Us One Day Closer to Republicans Demanding Biden Be Sent to Gitmo Over Classified Docs.”

Well done, liberal media.

Well done.

You might call it a media backfire. A big one.

In their lust to prosecute former President Donald Trump for something- anything! – President Biden’s left-wing media allies settled on a strategy that has now backfired big time – on Biden.

As a result of the FBI’s raid on Trump’s Mar a Lago estate to confiscate top secret documents in Trump’s possession, liberals in the media professed not only outrage – they demanded that Trump be targeted with a Special Counsel.

Here are some samples of the liberal media outrage about Trump.

The headline of a New York Times editorial: “ Donald Trump Is Not Above the Law”

There was this from Newsweek: Trump’s Classified-Docs Scandal Demands DOJ Probe: Legal Experts

Fox News headlined this craziness: MSNBC’s Beschloss, former CIA director Hayden ‘suggest’ Trump be executed for having nuclear documents Hayden and Beschloss reacted to a report that Trump may have retained nuclear documents after his term

MSNBC headlined this from Steve Benen, the producer of Rachel Maddow’s show: Poll gauges support for prosecuting Trump in classified docs scandal

The Washington Post editorial board: The new Trump probe special counsel should move quickly

Vanity Fair in capital letters, no less: MERRICK GARLAND’S SPECIAL COUNSEL IS ZEROING IN ON TRUMP’S INNER CIRCLE Jack Smith is reportedly “intensifying” his criminal probes of the ex-president.

And on and on went the liberal media demand for a Special Counsel investigation of Trump for his possession of classified documents at Mar a Lago.

And then.

And then out comes the news that then-Vice President  Biden did the same as Trump – three times over.

First it is revealed that a batch of classified documents have been found at the University of Pennsylvania’s Biden Center.

Next, mind blowingly, we learn Biden has been keeping classified documents…in his Wilmington garage!

That news had barely settled when it was found that there was a third batch of top secret documents stored in Biden’s personal office in his Wilmington house.

With each revelation the demand from Republicans that Attorney General Garland appoint a Special Counsel rose and rose and rose until it was impossible for Garland to ignore. Finally, appearing before cameras on Thursday of this last week, Garland announced the appointment of former Maryland U.S. Attorney Robert Hur to investigate Biden.

In fact, the liberal media’s outraged demands that Trump be targeted with a Special Counsel wound up producing a Special Counsel for Biden. Not to mention it produced a promise of an investigation into the document scandal by House Republicans.

And as if that were not enough of problem for Biden, there is the accompanying revelation that the Biden Center has been on the receiving end of Chinese money – lots of it. 

The New York Post headlined: Penn Biden Center where classified papers were found is a ‘dark-money nightmare’

The Post report said this: 

“The Ivy League think tank where lawyers found classified materials linked to the Obama White House is a patronage mill for the Biden administration, raising suspicions among critics that its establishment attracted tens of millions in donations from anonymous Chinese donors.

…The University of Pennsylvania received more than $30 million from Chinese donors shortly after the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, which functioned as an office for Joe Biden before he was elected president, was announced in 2017, according to public records.

…The University of Pennsylvania raked in a total of $54.6 million from 2014 through June 2019 in donations from China, including $23.1 million in anonymous gifts starting in 2016, according to public records.”

In short? Talk about a backfire!

Joe Biden’s Trump-hating liberal media allies can take a bow. By their insistence that a Special Counsel be appointed to investigate Trump because he had classified documents at Mar a Lago, the revelations that Biden did exactly the same thing – three times over! – has now won their hero a Special Counsel of his own, plus a congressional investigation. All this along with the revelation that his Penn Biden Center has been financed by millions in Chinese dark money. And also raising the question, of course, of how much of that Chinese money was laundered through the Biden Center before going in the Big Guy’s pocket.

So now, that leftist rag Vanity Fair is carrying this spin: “Special Counsel Appointment Brings Us One Day Closer to Republicans Demanding Biden Be Sent to Gitmo Over Classified Docs.”

Well done, liberal media.

Well done. 

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