Hot Air

Banning Left Turns? – HotAir

If we were to give you a magic wand and tell you that with a single wave, you could take one problem plaguing mankind today and simply make it go away, what would you choose? Perhaps high inflation, rampant crime, poverty, or war. All fine choices. But Daniel Pink at the Washington Post chose to go in a different direction… literally. In an opinion piece this week, he issues a call to eliminate or at least drastically reduce left turns. At first glance that sounded like a fine idea if he meant the ongoing lurches to the left among socialist-minded individuals. But no… he was talking about people literally making left turns in their cars. And he wants left turns to be banned. Not everywhere, mind you. But in busy cities with congested streets like Washington, D.C. where he lives. He notes that people turning left slow down traffic excessively and lead to more accidents. But is…

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