Red state

Beloved Denny’s in Oakland Abuptly Closes After 54 Years Due to Crime Epidemic – RedState

It’s several Walgreens stores in Boston, MA. It’s a famed In-N-Out burger location in Oakland. It’s Nordstrom (and T-Mobile and Starbucks, among many others) in San Francisco. It’s countless establishments in our major urban areas, and what do they all have in common? They’re jumping ship because operating in many blue cities is just plain too dangerous. 

Thanks, progressive policies.

But there’s always one thing you can count on, right? There’s a Denny’s somewhere nearby, waiting for you in case you get a craving for a Grand Slam breakfast.

For the last 54 years, that’s been true at one beloved Denny’s in Oakland which billed itself as “always open” – except that it will never likely be open again since it closed its doors for good on Wednesday due to rampant crime. 

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