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Bezos Vetoing WaPo Endorsement in Presidential Race – HotAir

Democracy dies in darkness … but revenue keeps the lights on.

Is that the calculation Jeff Bezos is employing? According to Washington Post staffers, the Amazon super-billionaire has suddenly grown skittish about allowing the paper to endorse Kamala Harris, as they have all expected its board to do. The absence of an endorsement with only twelve days to go is already raising eyebrows inside and outside the paper, reports Oliver Darcy at his new platform Status:

Why hasn’t The Washington Post made an endorsement in the 2024 presidential race?

It’s a question, I’m told, that is being discussed amongst some staffers at the Jeff Bezos-owned and Will Lewis-led newspaper. With less than two weeks until Election Day, and with millions of votes already cast, The Post has remained conspicuously silent on one of the highest-stakes contests in recent memory. …

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