Red state

Biden Administration Environmental Rules Estimated to Cost Americans Almost $1 Trillion – RedState

Mandates, mandates, mandates; subsidy after subsidy. All of these cost money, and we’re occasionally reminded of just how much. The Biden administration seems determined to shatter all the norms when it comes to unilaterally deciding that they know best what’s good for us Americans and are willing to spend our money to those ends. Now we see the cost; the environmental rules alone implemented by this administration (without input from Congress) are projected to cost Americans more than $845 billion.

As if the fiat-currency dump fueling inflation wasn’t enough already.

The projected costs to implement only a handful of President Biden’s most sweeping environmental regulations have an eye-popping price tag: more than $845 billion.

That’s according to an analysis of new Environmental Protection Agency policies, such as electric vehicle mandates, from Republicans on the Senate…

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