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Biden Administration Pardons Thousands Convicted of Certain Marijuana Charges on Federal Lands – RedState

President Joe Biden announced on Friday that he is issuing pardons for thousands of people who were convicted for the use or simple possession of marijuana on federal lands and in Washington, D.C. The move is an expansion of 2022’s pardons, which affected people convicted under one criminal statute.

The White House has also pardoned people who were serving excessive sentences for using or possessing marijuana.

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden pardoned thousands of people who were convicted of use and simple possession of marijuana on federal lands and in the District of Columbia, the White House said Friday[…]

The categorical pardon builds on a similar round issued just before the 2022 midterm elections that pardoned thousands convicted of simple possession on federal lands eligible. Friday’s action broadens the criminal offenses covered by the pardon. Biden is also…

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