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Biden Claimed in His ‘Big Boy Presser’ That Only He Could Beat Trump; DDHQ Issued the Real Receipts – RedState

Well, that President Joe Biden NATO presser was… something. It’s going to be a minute before we figure out exactly what. Was it meant to cause such a great meltdown that he would be forced to step aside? If so, it didn’t work. Oh, he melted down more than a few times, but it is clear that Biden has doubled down. He does not plan to go anywhere, especially since “Vice President Trump” is waiting in the wings to destroy democracy.

Or something. 

Toward the conclusion of Biden’s ramblings, he slurred something about the polls in response to a reporter’s question.

President Joe Biden on Thursday said that nothing would make him reconsider his decision to remain in the 2024 presidential election contest…

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