Hot Air

Biden Just Declared Easter Sunday ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’ – HotAir

Is this Satanic, or simply childish atheists mocking Christians during the holiest holidays of the year? 

Probably a bit of both. Having spent more than my share of time around smart, obnoxious atheists who enjoy nothing more than mocking the religious faith of others, I can imagine the late-night bull session with a bunch of youngish, privileged jerks dreaming this up. For them, it is a sophomore-year prank. 

But it is also Satanic. The President of the United States mocking Christians (and God) on the holiest days of the year and rubbing our faces in moral s**t that is left on the cultural streets of America these days like the actual s**t that you find there in Blue cities. 

I subjected myself to the displeasure of reading the…

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