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Biden Oscillates Between Eco-Fantasy and Enviro-Tyranny

Ruling like the dictator whom he says Donald Trump aspires to be, President Joe Biden has decreed restrictions, if not prohibitions, on gas stoves, gas furnaces, gasoline-powered cars and trucks, and other products. Congress has passed no such laws for Biden to sign. Instead, he has acted unilaterally, as despots do.

Emperor Biden further expects Americans to replace these fossil-fueled mechanisms with electric counterparts.

But what will propel these items as they draw electricity from America’s already fragile grid?

Team Biden has not gotten that far. To the contrary, it is hammering major sources of voltage, even while trying to coerce into existence the Electric States of America.

What Biden’s approach boasts in authoritarianism, it lacks in coherence.

Biden’s “Climate!” guru, John Kerry, attended the just-concluded COP28 global-warming hoe-down in…

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