There’s a straightforward solution that the Biden administration could enact in order to alleviate the nation’s ongoing energy crisis.
President Joe Biden needs to remove government barriers to oil production and signal to the industry that America is open for business.
It looks like Biden loves the idea — except not for American oil. Over the Thanksgiving break, the Treasury Department announced it would allow Chevron to resume pumping oil in Venezuela.
Curiously, the Biden administration claims that it removed the sanctions on the socialist country for reasons other than bringing down the costs of fuel.
“This action is not being taken in response to energy prices, this is a limited license,” an anonymous official told Politico. “As we have said in the past, this is about the regime taking the steps needed to support the restoration of democracy in Venezuela.”
So interestingly enough, the Biden administration thinks that temporarily assisting Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro’s regime takes precedence over the battle against climate change.
Democracy in Venezuela is more important than stopping carbon emissions. Yet fighting climate change remains more important than helping the average American by taking steps to ensure more domestic production of oil. So to keep track of Biden’s priorities it goes: 1) Venezuelan democracy, 2) climate change, and dead last is affordable energy for Americans.
Never mind putting the kibosh on American oil, the Biden administration has also taken steps in recent months to squander the country’s relationship with Guyana — an ally in South America.
According to The Wall Street Journal, America recently blocked a $70 million loan from U.S.-based bank IBD Investments that would have allowed Guyana to upgrade necessary infrastructure in the country to allow exports of its oil.
WSJ columnist Mary Anastasia O’Grady said the Biden administration’s “reasoning was based on August 2021 Treasury ‘guidance on fossil fuel energy at the multilateral development banks,’ which says that the U.S. will ‘promote ending international financing of carbon-intensive fossil fuel-based energy.’”
Who is stepping in to assist Guyana? The Chinese Communist Party.
As O’Grady put it, “The U.S. government thinks you’re a fool, dear reader.”
The Biden administration “expects you to believe that Venezuela is considering a return to free elections in exchange,” she wrote. Venezuela’s partners with Iran and the Venezuelan people have suffered for decades thanks to the socialist principles and policies in play in the South American nation.
Meanwhile, the regime will undoubtedly become wealthier thanks to the Biden administration.
At the same time, the Chinese are working to increase their stature in the region by producing the necessary funding for Guyana’s oil industry to prosper.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP), it should be noted, has ignored the Biden administration’s call to reduce Co2 emissions. It has, to put it bluntly, taken climate czar John Kerry to the woodshed on numerous occasions and often don’t answer his emails.
So if communist China and ultra-socialist Venezuela are benefiting from the Biden team’s ineptitude, then who is suffering? The American people.
Despite being on the brink of true energy independence upon coming into office, the Democrats in charge have done everything imaginable to reduce fossil fuel production, destroy Americans’ jobs, and ratchet up the price of gas. In its place, they push costly electric vehicles and praise the “transition.”
In other words, Biden prefers communist oil, not American-produced. To paraphrase the Journal, it is a “dirty deal.”
The views expressed in this piece are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Wire.
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