Hot Air

Biden Says “Expect More Climate Funding” Before He Leaves – HotAir

Donald Trump is having none of it. 

For decades now, the climate cultists have been predicting doom for all life on earth, and for decades now, not one of their predictions has come true. 

While I am not a fan of the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), to be fair, I should note that if you dive into its reports much of the reason for hysteria evaporates even using its data. Politicians and activists are the ones who make most of the apocalyptic predictions, while the IPCC scientists are often much more restrained–warning of possibilities, downplaying scaremongering about hurricanes and other natural disasters, and poo-pooing claims that wildfires are related to climate change. 

But the climate-concerned are not the problem we face; it is the climate scammers who are whipping up hysteria in order to control our economy, vacuum up…

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