I’m going to preface this entire article by saying that one of the things I really don’t ever want to happen is for our nation to be plunged into an all-out civil war again. If you thought the first one was horrendous, a second one would be even worse, with far less organization and neither side having any modicum of respect for the other. There would be no “north” or “south.” It would be a street-to-street conflict that has so many factions that you’d lose track of them all. In the end, it wouldn’t be a “war”; it would be a horror story that wouldn’t officially end at some courthouse.
This is why when I see our quickly deteriorating president fantasizing or commenting about matters pertaining to a civil war, I get a sinking feeling. For being such a “uniter,” Joe Biden sure does like to smile and joke about using American tech to kill Americans who don’t like his policies or…